Call for Feedback Group Hosts

Strange Birds is looking for writers based anywhere in the world to host peer-to-peer feedback groups.

What is Strange Birds? 

Strange Birds is a growing community of writers based all over the world. Since 2019, Strange Birds has provided a platform for beginner, emerging and established writers, particularly those pursuing a writing career via non-traditional paths and parts of the world. Today we have members across Europe, US, Africa and the Caribbean. We provide the platform and network, our writers do the rest. Our intimate, multi-genre feedback groups function independently but members come together during global events to have conversations around the writing that matters.

Why become a Strange Bird host?

As a host, you’ll gain a community of like-minded and dedicated writers in your genre to bounce ideas off. Create a feedback group with other writers worldwide (online) or locally and become part of a community with international opportunities to promote your work and meet other writers. Here’s some other benefits:

  • Create your dream writing group: Tailor everything, from genre and experience-level to feedback methods
  • Meet at convenient times: Decide when and where you want your group to gather, online or IRL
  • Get personalized admin support: From recruitment and admin management to IT troubles, we’ve got your back
  • Use an automated feedback system: Use our proprietary submission and feedback system that takes the hassle out of everything
  • Build a writing career: Be recognized on our website, host events, and build your own audience
  • Promote your work: Strange Birds connects you on an international stage
  • Gain a writing community: Foster relationships with emerging and established writers worldwide

How to apply

It’s simple—fill out our form. Tell us what type of creative writing feedback group you would like to host and where you are based.


What if I don’t want to host but I want to join a feedback group?

Contact – we will do our best to find you a group to suit your needs. Most of our current groups are full, which is why we’re looking for new hosts. Consider taking on the mantle—we promise it’s easier than it seems!

What type of time commitment is needed to be a host?

Generally we suggest that your group meets for two hours once a fortnight. As a host you would be responsible for: 

  1. Setting up the group events on MeetUp
  2. Contacting attendees
  3. Managing submissions via our submission system
  4. Sending out feedback after the meeting via the click of a button
  5. Attending host meetings (approx. 4 per year)

Expect to spend 1-2 hours per fortnight on admin.