Duiven Nederlandstalige Fictie

Elke twee weken op Woensdag

In de Duiven-groep van Strange Birds geven schrijvers feedback op elkaars Nederlandstalige fictie. Sommige leden hebben al eens wat gepubliceerd, anderen zijn kersverse schrijvers. Er wordt geschreven in verschillende genres. De groep volgt het gebruikelijke Strange Birds format wat betreft de procedures voor het inzenden en feedback geven (zie de omschrijving van de meeting voor details). Er zijn momenteel vijf vaste leden, dus er is nog plek voor drie anderen. Als je mee wilt doen kun je RSVPen voor een meeting. Vragen kun je stellen via Meetup.

The Pigeons are the local stock of the Strange Birds collective, as we are the only critique group to write and discuss in Dutch. Some of our writers are new to the game, others have published short stories, plays or movies. Right now, we have a small group of regulars of which some are working towards their first novel. We’re open to all genres, forms and styles of fiction. Most important is that we help each other improve by creating a safe and supportive environment through positive feedback and open discussions.

We meet every other week online, on Wednesdays between 8pm and 10pm CET. If you are interested in joining The Pigeons, please sign up through the Strange Birds’ MeetUp page. Please keep in mind that we write and discuss in Dutch. You are always welcome to join one of our sessions to see if you enjoy our feedback format. If you have any further questions, please get in touch with our host through MeetUp. We look forward to meeting you and to reading your work.

The hosts

Ruuf de Jong (1970) lives in Amsterdam with his girlfriend, daughter and dog. At the break of dawn, he likes to write short fiction stories and goes for long runs along the river Amstel. In 2022 he won the ‘Baarnse Literatuurprijs’, and he has published in Dutch literary magazines.

See Ruuf’s publications on his site →